Anticipation The rise of cyber threats

The more days, threats in cyberspace rather than the more bekurang, but instead continue to rise. Type of threat even more diverse with not only the pattern of attacks that exploit technical weaknesses per se, but also use social engineering to trick victims.

Especially in the era of the development of virtual communication and virtual social networking at this time, the virus was spreading fast abusing network of friends. Symantec, one of the largest software company in the world, observing an increase in malware attacks on Web sites of leading social networking and instant messaging program.

Symantec study conducted in Indonesia, throughout 2010, 86 percent of adults in Indonesia have become victims of cyber attacks. Figures above the world average of only 65 percent. Most viruses attack by 68 percent, followed by online scams and phishing 33 percent 22 percent. To solve a criminal case in this virtual world needed an average cost of USD 11,588,945 and the time 36 days.

You can imagine how many potential losses suffered if allowed to disrupt the attack. To address these threats, awareness and vigilance computer and internet users is the key.

According to Symantec, the first we are aware of what will be clicked. Be careful when accessing links from unknown senders or messages that appear on the site. Use a free site assessment services such as Norton Safe Web ( to ensure the site is safe or not. At least can be the first filter.

Second, do not care about spam. Immediately delete suspicious emails without the need to read it. Any form of spam mail responses, such as clicking on the link "unsubscribe", will mengonfirnasikan spammers that your email account is active, resulting in more spam mails.

Third, watch for signs of identity theft are clear signs that identity theft is happening: Contacted by the vendor on an account that you do not know, billing purchases made payable to another person.

Fourth, strengthen and protect your passwords. Some security tips on password is make sure your password is completely random. Do not use names, numbers or personal information with you or a family terasosiasikan. Use a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, letters, symbols and numbers. Use a different password for each account. Do not use the option to save passwords. Change your passwords regularly, eg at the beginning of the month, on payday.

Latest tips, implement protection and backup protection package Use an all-in-one of the fastest and light. In addition to self awareness, it never hurts to protect your computer automatically with the application that will perform when you are off guard protection.

Norton 360 Version 5.0 which is the latest version of Syamntec solution has presented a comprehensive protection from all forms of danger that threatens identity, computer and your important documents.

One of the newest technology that diudung Norton 360 Version 5.0 is Norton Insights, which directly identify the origin of documents and document circulation time. Activities malware can be stopped more quickly. In addition, this software also allows consumers to store and protect their digital assets with automated backup option that is easy to use.

Norton 360 works more optimally to deliver comprehensive and easy to use protection from all forms of danger that threatens identity, computer and your important documents. It is a protection solution all-in-one. Norton 360 PC TuneUp improve computer performance and ensures maximum performance despite the computer still works full etengah softwar. Automatic backup facility can be made online and locally, helping users avoid losing important documents or photos. And most recently, Norton Safe Web can scan up and immediately gave warnings about dangerous sites so that users can share a link without having to share or receive threats.



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