Know the Android Operating System

Android Operating System is an open source operating system based on Linux with Java programming interface. Android comes as a serious challenger to Apple's mobile phone operating system such as IOS and the Blackberry OS. Android provides a compiler, debugger, and device emulator running on Dalvik virtual machine (DVM). Android was created by the Open Handset Alliance led by Google. Android uses a special virtual machine, such as Virtual Machine Dalvik. Dalvik using special bytecodes. Therefore you can not run standard Java bytecode on Android.

Android provides a tool "dx" which allows to convert the Java Class into "dex" (Dalvik execution) file. Android applications are packed into WFA (Android Package). file. To facilitate the development, Google provides the Android Development Tools (ADT) for the Eclipse IDE. ADT will automatically do the conversion of class files into dex files and create packages GER during the deployment phase.

Android supports graphics 2-D and 3-D, and use the OpenGL library and supports the storage of data in a SQLite database.Android applications are very easy to published, when compared with IOS-based applications or the Blackberry OS.


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