Phone Electrocardiogram for Patients with Heart Disease

EPI-made mobile phone Ephone Life International Pte Ltd in Singapore designed specifically to help people with heart disease. Not only a tool to communicate, but the device also features a mini electrocardiogram to measure heart rate.

At the bottom of the cell phones have the heart symbol. If the user's fingertips at any time squeeze, the heart rate directly diukur.Dan results are automatically sent to a hospital guard 24 hours and will be directly addressed.

You get a normal answer only form of SMS (short message). If concerned, you will immediately get a sound answer, 'Sir, an ambulance was heading over there', "said Dr Chow U-Jin, Head of Media EPI, on the sidelines of the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain, February 14 to 17 2011.

Currently available mobile EPI new Life in Singapore and working with three hospitals. The price of a unit quite expensive, about 700 U.S. dollars, and only 2,000 units available in the market.

As a cheaper alternative and flexible, is also preparing electrocardiogram Ephone mini worth 99 U.S. dollars that can connect to a smartphone via Bluetooth. This device soon be launched in France and Spain.


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