Block Websites from Google Search Results

Google has added a feature to their search engine
  which allows users to block websites from their search results.

Internet site Internet search engine has announced details of information on his official website. Similarly, as quoted by USA Today, Sunday (13/03/2011).

Here's how: when the search results came out, users will be able to see the option to block all search results next to the word 'Cached' and 'Similar'. Then the listing will disappear, and users can 'Manage blocked sites' or 'Undo'. Only users with a Google account that can do this.

After blocking a website, users can click on 'Manage blocked sites' to manually enter sites that they want Google to block it.

These features are only available to users who use the English version of Chrome 9 +, IE8 + and Firefox 3.5. But Google also plans to expand the capabilities of this feature.


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