Firefox 4 Beta Available for Android and Maemo

Browser Firefox 4 for Android and Nokia Maemo devices now available in the latest beta version, which features improved stability and performance.

Some recent developments include pan / zoom, a faster boot and load the page the better. The development of the latter also includes the addition to Java Script. Similarly, as quoted by Mashable, Thursday (02/24/2011).

A beta version of Firefox 4 for Android also includes Firefox Sync, which allows users to move the tabs, bookmarks and history among the devices, whether mobile or desktop, Firefox add-ons and others. Firefox for mobile is the development of the browser sector.

Firefox 4 beta originally launched by the code name 'Fennec'. While the alpha version of its presence in the Android Market in late August 2010, and attended the first beta version in October last.

However, users of the iPhone and iPad first need to Firefox Home for IOS at this time. Although Home is not a browser application Firefox, but Apple will help mobile users to access their Firefox bookmarks, to browse history and open tabs, which to all via Mobile Safari.


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