Intel: Indonesian market is very attractive

Intel's Viswanathan Santhosh appoint as the new Country Manager in Indonesia since October 2010. Santosh is responsible for all operational and business management of the company's largest processor manufacturer in the country. In talks with the media on Thursday (02/24/2011), he confirms Intel's commitment to market development in Indonesia.

"Indonesia is an attractive market, both viewed from the perspective of Asia Pacific as well as viewed from a global perspective," said Santosh. One reason, the growth of Internet users very rapidly. Users of social media services in Indonesia was also a case for itself for him. Indonesia is a country with the highest number of Facebook users in the Asia Pacific region and the highest penetration of Twitter users in the world.

Santosh said, Intel is committed to encouraging the computer industry ecosystem in the country by cooperating with local partners. The move was among others done with a fixed supply processor box for the retail market and routinely provide technical assistance to the local computer manufacturers. Not only that, Intel also will help in marketing through various promotional channels that can be used local partners.

In addition, continued Santosh, Intel is also encouraging increased penetration of PC users in Indonesia. According to him, the presence of technology will also be a factor triggering a country's economic growth. Therefore, Intel will continue to increase the number of PC users in Indonesia. Intel also will continue to work together with telecom operator partners for technology that has been provided can be used to connect to the internet.

Right now the PC penetration in Indonesia is still very low. The latest data only about 5 percent. In fact, research shows that the use of technology related to economic growth," said Santosh. He said the increased penetration of computers by 10 per cent will be contributed to economic growth by 1 percent.

Potential computer market in Indonesia is still very high judged by the growth of 60 per cent on last year. Although battered smartphones and tablets, he believes the PC market, notebook, and netbook are still high because he thinks it is a complementary product. Intel will continue to develop a netbook for more efficient power and a new generation of Atom-based functional and will expand the portfolio of netbooks, notebooks, and tablets with MeeGo.


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