Froyo, World's Most Popular Android OS

According to the latest report from the developers of Google's Android mobile operating system Android OS 2.2, or known by thecodename Froyo, becoming the most popular OS Android.

Currently, the data collected through the end of last year, 50percent more than the total active Android phone in the world to adopt Froyo as the operating system, exactly 51.8 percent.

Froyo released in May last. Compared to previous versions,Android 2.2 OS superiority lies in increasing the Wi-Fi functionality,speed performance, speed embedded applications since JITimplementation, and integration of the V8 JavaScript engine tospeed up Web browsing. And, last but not least is the Adobe Flash10.1 and greater screen resolution.

Following Froyo, is Eclair, or Android OS 2.1, which is an earlierversion of the Android OS. He mastered by 35.2 percent share.While the Android OS 1.x version control 12.6 percent. For thelatest Android OS, the version 2.3 (Gingerbread), the portionswere very small, 0.4 percent.

The following diagram the percentage of the Android OS that is divided based on their versions:


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